Rules of conduct FBA members and hunters.

Rules of conduct FBA members and hunters.

  • An FBA member and hunter shall at all times practice his sport or passion in an ethical, safe and responsible manner.
  • An FBA member and hunter behaves respectfully in every situation, towards other persons, nature and game.
  • An FBA member and hunter is always legally in order and carries the necessary documents, such as a valid hunting permit and proof of insurance when hunting.
  • An FBA member and hunter always ensures that he has the permission of the holder of the hunting rights where and when he hunts.
  • An FBA member and hunter shall be well educated and remain properly trained and experienced in the use of the bow.
  • An FBA member and hunter always hunts and shoots with appropriate, legally permitted and properly maintained equipment.
  • An FBA member and hunter makes sure that he knows the anatomy and lethal zones of the game he is hunting.
  • An FBA member and hunter must observe the principle of "fair chase".

The association reserves the right to withdraw the membership in case of not following or respecting these rules of conduct.