Journée de Formation Obligatoire (JFO).

In France, hunting with bow and arrow has been legal since 1995. This is also possible for foreign hunters, provided that they present a French validated hunting permit. This validation can be for 3 consecutive days ( with a maximum of 3 times ) or for a whole hunting season ( 1 year ). When you choose the last option and validate for 1 year, you are obliged to follow a one-day training, the so-called JFO. This training is given in each French department and several times a year. The dates are usually posted on the website of the departmental hunting organisation and registrations are also made in this way.

The French bow hunting federation FFCA ( Fédération Française des Chasseurs a l'Arc ) has given us the opportunity to train our Flemish instructors to be JFO instructors as well. This gives us the opportunity to provide our members with a JFO training in Dutch every year or, if desired, an English one for other European bow hunting associations that wish to offer the JFO to their members.


This international JFO is organized together with the bow hunting association of the department of Aisne 02 (ACA02).


How does a JFO course in France work?

The day is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. In the morning we talk about what hunting with bow and arrow entails and especially which values and standards a good bow hunter should have. Safety, responsibility and respect are the basic principles here. In the afternoon, participants can experience for themselves how to shoot with a traditional or compound bow. Emphasis is placed on distances and comfort zones in bowhunting can be practised. The day ends with a review of the material taught and receiving the acquired JFO certificate.

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