ibep 2022

In the U.S., there was a need for education for proper bow hunting. A training was created by the National Bowhunting Education Federation that even became mandatory in many states. Their motto is  "Promoting responsible bowhunting through education."


This certified education program, which has crossed over to Europe from the United States, provides the hunter with the necessary knowledge to get started in bowhunting. The basic principles in this training: responsibility, safety, and minimum requirements, are used as foundational principles in most national and statutory training programs. Like for example the JFO in France, the Finnish or Danish training and their marksmanship tests...

The Flemish IBEP training is adapted to European game species, values and standards, as well as to the existing legal provisions.

How does an IBEP course in Flanders work?

1 to 2 initiation days (Saturdays)

The FBA as well as the FWCA (Wallonia) hold their own IBEP every year. In Flanders, the training takes place over at least 3 to 4 days. The first two days are initiation days. Here the registered participant gets the chance to have his own material checked by our experienced instructors. Afterwards, we will also check to see at which level most participants are in terms of marksmanship and shooting skills. Where necessary, our professional instructors will personally assist the participant to improve in a correct way. The ultimate goal is to increase the overall success rate of the participant and to prepare him for the practical tests.

1 day treestand and treesaddle training

During this training we learn how to use the most common techniques in archery in a correct and safe way: hunting from a treestand or treesaddle. This training takes half a day. We provide a terrain, a course with 3d targets and several certified instructors. You can also practice with your own equipment.

2 training days (Saturday-Sunday)

The IBEP training consists of a theoretical part given through a digital course. The participant can download this in advance from our website. The theoretical part includes the following chapters;

Introduction, wildlife management, safety, materials, preparation, techniques....

The theoretical part is concluded with a multiple choice test ( with correction of errors ). The participant who passes may proceed to the practical part of the training. Here, among other things, a demonstration is given of the use of elevated platforms.

Afterwards the participant can warm up with their own material to start the practical test.

The practical test consists of 6 targets of European game species placed at average distances between 6m and 25m. To succeed the participant must hit at least 5 of the 6 targets in the lethal zone ( heart,lungs ). The participant must do this with arrows fitted with broadheads. Dummy broadheads or practice broadheads are allowed. The supervising instructor will indicate for each shot whether it is a hit or miss. The judgment of the instructor is always final. Safety is also taken into account ! Participants who do not observe safety or do not follow the instructions of the accompanying instructor will be asked to leave the practical test and will not receive an IBEP certificate.

This year's IBEP will take place on June 29 and 30, 2023, in Boom.

Register for the IBEP training
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